Dishwashing Liquid

Dishwashing Liquid


Bingo dishwashing liquid with strong degreasing, has a high cleaning power in removing small particles and food residue on the dishes. Using dishwashing liquid with a suitable concentration and high cleaning power makes it unnecessary to use a large volume of liquid every time. Bingo dishwashing liquid has a pleasant lemon scent that emits when used. For this reason, when using dishwashing liquid, a good feeling is created for the user. This product is produced in 1000 and 3750 packs.

Weight: 1000 grams

License number: 6260010508109

3,750 grams

License number: 6260010508277

Buy from Digikala   Buy from OKala


Dishwashing liquid is a formulation that we use several times a day to clean the dishes while washing them. In fact, it is not possible to wash greasy and dirty dishes easily if there are no dishwashing liquids. But with the help of dishwashing liquid, you can easily clean any type of contamination on the dishes. Due to its clean structure, dishwashing liquid can be used to clean other surfaces as well if it is the best dishwasher polish with the right concentration and high cleaning power.

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However, what is important is the presence of this valuable formula for easy dishwashing. But what we should pay attention to when using dishwashing liquid is the quality and brand of these liquids. Because the use of low-quality dishwashing liquid cannot lead to expected cleanliness!

What is dishwashing liquid?

Dishwashing liquid is a detergent that is used to help wash dishes. Dishwashing liquid is usually a mixture of “surfactants” with a high lather that has little skin irritation and is mainly used for hand washing glasses, plates, knives, forks and cooking utensils in a sink or bowl.

Dishwashing liquid cleans our dishes and makes it possible for us to use the same dishes again and again. Dishwashing liquid molecules remove dirt, germs and grease from dishes so they can be washed. After washing the dish liquid with water, the dishes remain clean and ready to be used again. This liquid is made for hand washing and is different from dishwasher gel.

What is the structure of dishwashing liquid?

In examining the structure of the dishwashing liquid, we arrive at a bipolar formulation that, if we want to explain it, we must first examine the molecules that we deal with during washing. In this regard, there are two types of molecules:

  • Hydrophilic molecules (molecules that are attracted to water)
  • Hydrophobic molecules (molecules that repel water)

For example, oil is composed of hydrophobic molecules. When these two types of molecules combine together, they create a detergent molecule. Dishwashing liquid formulation has two poles, one of which is dedicated to hydrophilic molecules and the other to hydrophobic molecules:

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  • The first is a polar structure that absorbs water while washing dishes.
  • The latter is a non-polar structure that binds to fats and oils.

When you place a greasy pan in a sink full of water, the oil on the pan does not automatically dissolve in the water. Because fat molecules are non-polar while water molecules have a polar structure. So they cancel each other out. This is where dishwashing liquid acts as a bridge by using its polar and non-polar structure.

While oil does not naturally mix with water, dishwashing liquid molecules rearrange when they come into contact with oil. Dishwashing liquid acts as a medium and by connecting polar and non-polar molecules of water and fats, it makes them washable together.

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How to use dishwashing liquid?

Considering that the majority of people wash their dishes several times a day after each meal, the method of using dishwashing liquids is clear to everyone and does not require training. So, after soaking the dishes in the sink, we rub the dishwashing liquid on the scotch and draw it on the greasy dishes. Then we wash the dishes with water.

If your dishwashing liquid is of high quality, in the final stage of washing, all fats and other impurities will be removed from the dishes. Also, the ingredients in the dishwashing liquid have anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties that help the dishes to be clean and shiny in every way.

Can you use regular dishwashing liquid for the dishwasher?

Dishwashing liquids that we use on a daily basis on the sink are the usual type of dishwashing liquid. When you use regular dishwashing liquid, a lot of foam is produced during washing. But if the same amount of foam is created in the dishwasher, it will disrupt the machine. This is why you should not use ordinary dishwashing liquid for the dishwasher.

The dishwashers themselves have a variety of special tablets, gels and powders that you can buy. The Bingo brand offers a variety of powders, gels, tablets and even dishwasher salt that you can easily buy from reputable stores. But never use dishwashing liquid for the dishwasher.

Is using dishwashing liquid harmful to hand skin?

Although in most formulations of manual dishwashing liquids, efforts are made to have the least damage to human skin, but it cannot be said that these detergents are free of any kind of harm to the skin. This is why it is recommended to use kitchen gloves when using dishwashing liquid and washing dishes. If you use gloves, you don’t need to worry about the dangers or harm of dishwashing liquid to your skin.

When using some types of special detergents, you should avoid inhaling the detergent gas, but there is no danger in the case of dishwashing liquid. In fact, all the efforts of the manufacturers of hand sanitizers are to make it safe for human use while providing the right quality, and they have been successful to a large extent. Therefore, you can safely use dishwashing liquid.

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In what other cases can you use dishwashing liquid?

Dishwashing liquid is specially designed for washing dishes and its main task is to wash dishes. But due to the gentle cleaning properties of dishwashing liquid, it can be used to clean other surfaces of the kitchen and home while observing safety and caution. Other uses of dishwashing liquid include:

  • Removing stains from carpets and rugs

The issue of removing stains on carpets and rugs is a challenging issue for women. Some stains, such as ink stains, may not be easily removed from the carpet and require special materials. But some simple stains such as food colored stains such as fruit, oil, etc. can be solved with dishwashing liquid. So that a few drops of dishwashing liquid can be dissolved in warm or lukewarm water and then rubbed with a clean white cloth on the spot to remove the stain. If the stain is fresh and does not cover a large area of the carpet, it can be easily cleaned with dishwashing liquid.

  • Disinfection of fruits and vegetables

There are special materials for disinfecting fruits and vegetables in the market, but if you do not have access to these materials, you can disinfect your fruits and vegetables with dishwashing liquid. The way of working is that you have to put fruits or vegetables in a bowl and fill it with water. Then, depending on the size of the bowl, pour one or two drops of dishwashing liquid into it and dissolve it in water. Then, after a few minutes, wash the fruits or vegetables completely with water. Some people use vinegar in addition to dishwashing liquid to clean fertilizers and agricultural toxins on fruits. But dishwashing liquid alone can be enough.

  • Cleaning glasses

If you feel that your glasses are very dirty and even greasy, you can pour one or more drops of dishwashing liquid on a piece of soft cloth or cotton and wash your glasses with it. Then dry it with a soft cloth.

  • Cleaning jewelry and gold

If you feel that the ring, bracelet or any kind of jewelry or gold you have has become dirty and dull, you can put your jewelry in a solution of water and dishwashing liquid for a few minutes (maximum 15 minutes) and then brush their surface. Then the shine will return to your jewelry.

  • Cleaning comb or hair brush

A hair brush or comb may get dirty and greasy after a while. Because the hair fat remains on the brush and comb. Therefore, they can be washed with dishwashing liquid. The degreasing property of the dishwashing liquid makes it possible to clean the grease and dirt on the comb and brush.

  • Removing grease from kitchen surfaces

Although we turn on the hood while cooking to absorb the grease and food odors, it can still get on the cabinets, refrigerator, dishes, tables and other surfaces in the kitchen. Dishwashing liquid can be used to clean all these items. So that a clean cloth is dipped in one or more drops of dishwashing liquid and then we draw it on the surfaces. Then, with a clean and semi-wet cloth, we rub the surface again to absorb the slipperiness caused by the dishwashing liquid.

You can see that dishwashing liquid can have wide applications. You can use dishwashing liquid to clean other things at your discretion and while observing safety and health precautions.

مایع ظرفشویی bingo

Buy bingo dishwashing liquid

Bingo dishwashing liquid “bingo” is presented by Bingo brand, which is active in the field of producing all kinds of hand and machine detergents. The proper concentration and high cleaning power of Bingo dishwashing liquid means that there is no need to use a large volume of liquid every time. Also, Bingo dishwashing liquid is produced with a nice lemon scent, which emits when used and creates a good feeling in the person washing the dishes. Other features of Bingo dishwashing liquid include:

  • Strong degreasing
  • Fragrant with the scent of lemon
  • The right concentration
  • Dish polisher

Bingo dishwashing liquid is presented in two packages of 1000 grams and 3750 grams. You can choose medium or large packaging to buy dishwashing liquid according to your needs. Of course, a larger package can last longer. But if you use medium packaging, you may need to buy dishwashing liquid again once a week.

Bingo dishwashing liquid price

We said that Bingo dishwashing liquid is offered in two types of medium packaging of 1000 grams and large packaging of 3750 grams. The price of each of these packages is as follows:

  • The price of Bingo dishwashing liquid for 1000 grams is about 24 thousand Tomans.
  • The price of bingo dishwashing liquid 3750 grams is about 100 thousand tomans.

You can purchase bingo dishwashing liquid from online and physical stores in the country at the mentioned prices. Of course, due to the increasing inflation rate of the country, you may face higher prices when you go to buy bingo dishwashing liquid. You can compare prices in several online stores before buying.


Dishwashing liquid is a very useful detergent that can be found in every home to remove food and grease residue on dishes. There are different brands of dishwashing liquid in the market. All kinds of Bingo dishwashing liquid are available in all reputable stores in the country. Dishwashing liquid can also be used to clean other surfaces of the house. Therefore, you can buy bingo lemon-scented dishwashing liquid from a physical store or order it online and have it delivered to your door.



  • The brightness of dishes
  • Easy and quick washing
  • Remove the unpleasant smell of food
  • Container protector
  • Pleasant aroma
  • Strong degreaser
  • Thick and economical
  • Stable and plentiful floor
  • Hard stain remover

Frequently asked questions

  • What is dishwashing liquid?

Dishwashing liquid is a detergent that is specifically used to remove grease and remaining substances on dishes.

  • What is the structure of dishwashing liquid?

In a very general way, dishwashing liquid has ingredients that create a balance between molecules absorbed in water and absorbed in fat and make them washable.

  • Can you use regular dishwashing liquid for the dishwasher?

No, you can never use regular dishwashing liquid for a dishwasher. You can use dishwasher tablets and bingo gels for your dishwasher.

  • Apart from washing dishes, what other things can you use dishwashing liquid for?

Although dishwashing liquid is specifically designed for washing dishes, when necessary, it can be used to remove grease from other kitchen surfaces, jewelry, glasses, stains on carpets and rugs, disinfecting fruits and vegetables, etc.

  • How much does bingo dishwashing liquid cost?

The price of bingo dishwashing liquid in a 1000 gram package is about 24 thousand tomans.

  • How to buy bingo dishwashing liquid?

To buy bingo dishwashing liquid, you can visit reputable stores in the city or online stores.

  • The brightness of dishes
  • Easy and quick washing
  • Remove the unpleasant smell of food
  • Container protector
  • Pleasant aroma
  • Strong degreaser
  • Thick and economical
  • Stable and plentiful floor
  • Hard stain remover