hand powder

hand powder


When you want to wash clothes, Bingo laundry powder with great stain removal power will help you. Bingo protects the color of clothes and gives shine to your clothes.

Weight: 500 grams

License number: 6260010505887

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Hand powder Purchase and price of hand powder

Laundry detergents or laundry powders known by the Tide brand are a type of cleaning materials that are used to clean and wash clothes in the form of washing machine powder or hand powder. Laundry detergents are sold in liquid and powder form. In the laundry detergent market, the value of liquid and powder detergents is equal to each other; Despite this, powder detergents are sold twice as much in terms of volume compared to liquid detergents.

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Buying hand and machine Tide has become one of the most widely used and important additions to the household shopping basket. Hand washing powders can easily remove visible and invisible stains on clothes. The important thing in buying hand powder is to pay attention to the ingredients of the powder. The composition of hand washing powders should be compatible with the skin of your hands so that it does not cause itchiness or flaking. Detergent powders have a pleasant scent that makes the clothes fragrant. In the following, we intend to provide information about the characteristics and ingredients of hand powders, as well as the characteristics of bingo hand powder.

Compositions and properties of hand powder

The formulation used in hand powder compositions is different from washing machine powder. Contrary to what many people think, skin damage is prevented while using hand powder to wash clothes. In washing using manual powder, due to the high and fast solubility of these powders, creating a lot of foam during washing and high performance at low water temperature, clothes are cleaned quickly and in a short period of time. Therefore, the time that the skin of the hand is in contact with the powder is reduced and possible damage to it is prevented.

The best hand washing powder

There has always been a tough competition between hand powder manufacturers. People buy these products based on the type of performance of the powders, the level of cleaning, solubility and even their scent. In today’s competitive market, there are many types of high-quality manual laundry powders, which are very good powders according to global standards and cleaning quality.

The best hand powders have features such as good performance, high penetrating power to cotton fabrics, no damage to the texture of clothing fabric, increasing the amount of cleanliness on clothes, softening clothes, and ease of use and washing. When washing with them without gloves, they do not cause skin sensitivity and remove germs and pollution in the shortest possible time.

The difference between manual and machine powder

There are obvious differences between washing machine powder and hand powder. Of course, the main difference is the type of their application. These powders should not be used interchangeably.

  • Manual powders work at low water temperatures and do not require high temperatures for cleaning. But washing machine powders work better at high temperature, i.e. warm water.
  • Hand powders dissolve in water within 10 to 15 minutes, but washing machine powders dissolve faster. One of the reasons that hand powder cannot be used in the washing machine is this difference, which causes some powder to remain on the clothes after the washing time is over, because not all the powder has dissolved well during the washing period.
  • The amount of foam that is produced when using manual powder is much higher than the amount of foaming of washing machine powders. Over time, too much foam will cause the electrical system of your washing machine to fail and break down. Therefore, manual powders are not suitable for use in the washing machine.
  • Hand powders are designed to be compatible with hand skin and cause the least amount of sensitivity and allergy. But when you use washing machine powders, they have a stronger formulation and a more complex chemical composition that causes itching, skin sensitivities and burning on the skin of the hands.
  • There is no bleaching enzyme in hand powder. Bleach enzymes have high cleaning power and remove stains from clothes. They also prevent the re-accumulation of bacteria and pus on the fabric. Therefore, the cleaning power of machine powders is higher than manual powders due to the presence of bleaching enzyme in them.

Characteristics of hand powder

In the past, different methods were used to clean objects and clothes, but today, with the advancement of technology, various detergent powders with different compositions are available in the market. One of the hand powders available in the market is Bingo hand powder, which is in very good condition in terms of health and is used to remove all kinds of stains and pollution. Hand bingo powder has a lot of quality and is very popular due to its special features. In general, the characteristics of hand detergents are similar to each other, some of which are:

  • High stain removal and cleaning power
  • Pleasant and lasting scent
  • Clothing color protector
  • With high cleaning power
  • Bleaching white clothes and brightening colored clothes
  • With plenty of foam

The composition of hand washing powders is made in such a way that it prevents the occurrence of allergies and possible damage to the skin. These products are highly soluble in cold water and create foam easily. The dissolving power of hand washing powders increases the speed of washing clothes. On the other hand, anionic active substances increase the cleaning and stain removal properties of these detergents. The compositions of hand washing powders are such that they maintain the shine and vitality of the clothes fibers.

Each of the hand powders have different uses according to their unique characteristics. Some hand powders are used for washing specific parts of clothes such as: cuffs, collar and armpits. In order to wash clothes that are made of silk, silk and net, it is better to use suitable hand detergents that do not harm the fibers of the clothes.

You can use Bingo hand powder and other brands available in the market to wash ceramic surfaces, mosaics, tiles and other objects. On the other hand, hand powders can be used to wash very greasy and dirty dishes due to their great degreasing ability.

How to use hand powders

Always be careful, in order to wash clothes, you must first separate colored and dark fabrics. After separating them, pay attention to the washing guide label of each one so that you can follow the mentioned point if necessary. In the next step, you need to adjust the water temperature according to the information on the packaging of the hand powder and the instructions for washing clothes. The amount of hand powder used depends on the volume of your clothes; Therefore, determine the amount of hand powder according to your needs. Try to soak the clothes for a short time in a solution of water and powder to remove the stains well. Then you can clean the clothes with a gentle grip. Finally, rinse the clothes and hang them on the clothesline to dry in the sun.

Hand bingo powder

Bingo hand powder is one of the most useful powders available in the market, which is of good quality. This detergent removes all stains easily and leaves all fabrics stain free. Bingo hand powder is marketed in different packages that people can buy according to their needs. One of the basic and important features of this product is the protection of clothing fibers and threads. In fact, Bingo hand powder does not cause any damage to the fabric of your clothes. On the other hand, this product has a very aromatic scent. Bingo hand washing powder is used for washing colored and white clothes.

Buy hand bingo powder

If you intend to buy bingo manual and know the correct price of bingo powder, you should pay attention to its packaging. The packaging of hand powders must be completely healthy and be careful not to be exposed to moisture. In addition, you can also buy bingo dishwashing liquid and other similar products.

final word

Hand washing powders are alkaline products with a long history. In the past, various materials were used to clean clothes and wash them, but with the passage of time and the advancement of technology, various detergents were released to the market. Each detergent has special features that people choose and buy according to their needs. Features such as fragrant aroma, ability to dissolve in cold water, power to protect clothing fibers, ability to remove stains and cleaning, and the type of enzymes used in it are among the important features that you should pay attention to when buying hand powder. In this article, we have explained to you dear ones about the ingredients of hand powder, the characteristics of Tide Hand and also the important points when using and buying hand powder. In the end, thank you very much for your cooperation.


  • Clothing color protector
  • Bleaching white clothes and brightening colored clothes
  • With high cleaning and stain removal power
  • Pleasant and lasting scent

  • Clothing color protector
  • Bleaching white clothes and brightening colored clothes
  • With high cleaning and stain removal power
  • Pleasant and lasting scent